At Magnesio & Metal, we accompany our customers throughout the project and we offer all our experience and know-how in the field of manufacturing magnesium alloy components.

When we receive the designs from our customers during the quotation phase, we communicate to our customer the mass production feasibility of their project and, if necessary, the design modifications that would be necessary to make the part suitable for manufacturing, affecting the functional design of the part as little as possible (Design for manufacturing).

Once the design is definitively finalized, we carry out the part filling conception (casting design) and simulate the mold filling with specialized software to ensure that the initial design of the molds, filling channels and overflows is suitable. When the casting design is approved, the molds, dies and tooling are designed and manufactured.

When the first samples are manufactured, a dimensional report is made with measurements of the most-critical dimensions to ensure that the mold and parts are manufactured correctly. These samples are then sent to the customer for a functional assembly test, which ensures that the component (or subassembly) has been designed correctly.

Once the project is in serial production, we remain in continuous contact with our customer’s engineering department in order to exchange knowledge or particularities of the parts that are observed in the process during the life of the project.